Browsing: study


POT TV - Global TV covers a recent study from New Zealand that claims chronic marijuana use as an adolescent is related to lowered IQ testing scores. Video features sensible comments by Cannabis Culture publisher Jodie Emery. What the study (and Global TV) fail to mention is that the study does NOT show evidence of a causal relationship, but merely a correlation between the two. There is NO evidence that marijuana causes low IQ scores.

POT TV - The Young Turks look at a new study showing that medical marijuana does not increase teen drug use. From TYT U on YouTube: Medical marijuana is under fire from both the Republicans and the Obama administration, but a new study shows that the presence of medical marijuana does not cause increased drug use in the surrounding area for teens. We've got details on the study - Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks and John Iadarola discuss on TYT University.