Jodie Giesz-Ramsay on Slam 100.5fm

POT TV – Civil liberties activist, Jodie Giesz-Ramsay, spoke on Slam 100.5fm and Freedom 106.5fm.

The Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago wanted to talk about pot, and wanted the truth about what Canadian cannabis legalization has meant for the culture.

“Everyone around the world says ‘Canada Legalized Marijuana. Let’s do it here’. So, it’s a positive example to set for other countries. … I’m concerned, and many others are concerned, legalization here has turned into a corportization of cannabis … it’s a new form of prohibition in many ways. On the surface level, sounds awesome, it’s true there are a lot fewer arrests for cannabis possession, but there are still a lot of tough laws. They even increased the laws and penalties in Canada. … Legacy people are still being arrested, still being charged and still going to court.” Jodie said.

Why are the people who saved the seeds from prohibition still not free? Why are the seeds still treated as a crime? Why hasn’t the culture been included in legalization?

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