POT TV – Author and drug war historian, David Malmo-Levine, summarized his research on COVID-19 and herbal medicine.
David Malmo-Levine did a deep dive for paranoid potheads who want all the smoke on SARS-CoV-2, herbal medicine and marijuana. In a summary of his most recent editorials on the subject, “COVID-19, Cannabis & Herbal Medicine” and “COVID-19, Cannabis & Herbal Medicine Part 2: Gain-Of-Function”, Malmo-Levine traced three parts, a history of pandemics, pandemic treatments, and potential pandemic causes, and asked epidemiological questions without reefer madness.
Is marijuana on the list of non-proprietary natural treatments for a coronavirus? Masks, drugs, vaccines, who’s behind the shots? Biological warfare, pandemic scapegoats, conspiracies, what does history tell us? Hydroxychloroquine, Cinchona Officinalis, Elderberry, which treatments are effective? What can the drug war teach us about pandemic responses?
For a full list of David’s citations, read “COVID-19, Cannabis & Herbal Medicine” and “COVID-19, Cannabis & Herbal Medicine Part 2: Gain-Of-Function” at CannabisCulture.com.